I was with you on that palace steaming, spinning 'round in circles, dreaming. -- Sarah McLachlan, Steaming

I thought you were going to say he was your secret brother or something (The Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 7)

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Continue reading I thought you were going to say he was your secret brother or something (The Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 7)

And behind our house, there sat under a tree an old man, a hermit (The Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 6)

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Continue reading And behind our house, there sat under a tree an old man, a hermit (The Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 6)

I was a father and a grandfather. Now I’m neither, but I’m still a doctor (The Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 5)

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Continue reading I was a father and a grandfather. Now I’m neither, but I’m still a doctor (The Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 5)

I’ve been renewed. It’s part of the Tardis. Without it, I couldn’t survive. (The Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 4)

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Continue reading I’ve been renewed. It’s part of the Tardis. Without it, I couldn’t survive. (The Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 4)

We run and run as fast as we can and we don’t stop running until we are out from under the shadow (Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 3)

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Continue reading We run and run as fast as we can and we don’t stop running until we are out from under the shadow (Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 3)

After the twelfth regeneration, there is no plan that will postpone death (The Day of the Doctor Speculations Part 2)

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Continue reading After the twelfth regeneration, there is no plan that will postpone death (The Day of the Doctor Speculations Part 2)

I’m Not the Man I Was. Thank Goodness. (The Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 1)

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Continue reading I’m Not the Man I Was. Thank Goodness. (The Day of the Doctor Speculations, Part 1)