Call it impulsive; call it compulsive; call it insane. -- Barenaked Ladies, Brian Wilson

Tales From /lost+found 193: New Year’s Special

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5×3: The Man Who Never Was: From beyond the grave, the Should’ve-Been King has set a trap for the Doctor. At last, he’s reunited with the real Sammy Lake, but this time, saving the day may cost him everything.

Tales From /lost+found 191: Not legally considered edible in California.

SAMMYName one thing then. One thing about humans you can’t find a million other places in the universe.

(a beat)



THE DOCTORDragee. Cachous. You know? Those little silver sugar balls you use to decorate cakes.

SAMMYSugar balls? I’m having an existential crisis and you’re talking about sugar balls?

THE DOCTORLook. Every race that survives long enough discovers fire. Invents the wheel. The sword. The atom bomb. Reality TV. Hyperdrive. Art. Poetry. Love. But in the entire history of the universe, you ridiculous bald apes are the only species that ever came up with the idea of making edible ball bearings and putting them on cakes. My people conquered time, but they never managed edible ball bearings.

SAMMYAre you trying to make me feel better?

THE DOCTORYou asked me to name one thing. Not the best thing or the biggest thing. Just one thing.

SAMMYWhy that thing?

THE DOCTORBecause, Sammy, there is nothing in this universe that is so small or insignificant that it can’t be special. Even an edible ball bearing.


Tales from /lost+found 190: In Time For Christmas

What would a long-running nerdy TV series be without merch for its adoring fans to buy?

You can’t actually buy this. Apparently just putting the title of a TV show in a funny font with a plasma effect is considered “potential copyright violation”. And that’s just by CafePress. Tumblr thinks it’s a vagina.

Tales from /lost+found 189: We’re not gonna pay

For time reasons, I’m forgoing my usual formatting for this script excerpt from “Twelfth Night”:

You don’t have to do this.

They are savages.

And you’re not. Senseless massacre won’t bring your sisters back. It won’t avenge them. And it won’t honor them. I know of your people. Homo Reptilia is a noble race. Be noble. Be merciful.

Do not speak to me of mercy, mammal. Not now.

There’s only now. There’s only this. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No. Wait. Is that Rent? That’s rent.
That felt pretentious. Is that what I am now? Pretentious?
You think he’s an animal. He thinks you’re an animal. Prove him wrong.

VASTRA lowers her sword.


Thank God. Constables, kindly remove this
(at VASTRA, sneering)
And this filth as well.

(indicating SUTCLIFFE)
That’s ‘im, guv’nor.

Lord Sutcliffe, you are under arrest on suspicion of treason.


You probably shouldn’t leave documentation of your evil plans out where any prisoner could pass it out the window to a street urchin with instructions to deliver it to Scottland Yard.

Tales from /lost+found 188: Autumn Special

Doctor Who Transcript The Rebel Flesh Alternate Version
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5×2: First Do No Harm: At an acid-mining factory in the 22nd century, the Doctor, Harmony and Sammy are caught in a battle for survival between humans and gangers – artificial duplicates which have developed minds of their own.

Tales from /lost+found 187: Hello, Sweetie

Just to get out in front of it by bending time as well as reality. I gather that the titles of the last few episodes of the real-world season haven’t been released yet. I don’t know where Chibnall is going with this season, but I do know where similar themes would be going in the next universe to the left. For that reason, I wanted to just casually drop the fact that in the lost+found, episodes 8, 9, and 10 of series 7 will be titled “Planet of the Ood”, “Rosa”, and “The Doctor Stands”.

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