I don't trust the sort of person who keeps his booze under lock and key. -- Vila Restal, Blake's 7

Tales From /lost+found 2: Doctor Who and the Encyclopaedia of Doom

After the recent collapse and subsequent rebuilding of reality, I found a few random bits left over, which is always the way when you do it yourself.

As part of my campaign to ensure that the respectable bits of Doctor Who fandom won’t have me back, I shall from time to time post without (much) comment these little snippets from a universe that wasn’t.

Wikipedia article on Doctor Who
Click to Embiggen

This not-for-profit art project was inspired in part (That part being “What if I push this joke past just being an offhand reference in my April Fool’s post”, which I wrote back in June 2014) by The Day of Doctor Who by Colin Brockhurst, which is absolutely fantastic and well worth looking at and/or purchasing.

It is also inspired a bit by An Alternative Program Guide by Charles Daniels and The Professor X Programme Guide (via Wayback Machine) by Stephen Jenkins, Darrel Manuel and John H Toon.

Some random bullshit is the fault of The Nth Doctor by Jean-Marc L’Officier.

Tales from /lost+found 1: And Another Thing…

Just in case I get accused of being too US-centric, here is the BBC’s version of the promotional poster that was used for that TV Guide cover back in 2003 (If you missed it, click on Hugh Laurie in Wednesday’s post.)

Hugh Laurie, Rowan Atkinson and David Hasslehoff as Doctor Who
Click to embiggen