Always the one who has to drag her down. Maybe you'll get what you want this time around. The trick is to keep breathing. -- Garbage, The Trick is to Keep Breathing

Tales from /lost+found 68: You’ve activated my trap card!

British audiences were obviously scandalized that the Doctor and Winston Churchill were depicted in an antagonistic relationship in the 1999 two-parter “The Iron Legion”/”The Perfect Soldier“. But come on, look at the smack the man talked about Ghandi, or about women’s rights, or the fact that he was pretty much ambivalent about fascism (and outright said he preferred it to communism) until the fascists had the temerity to muscle in on his empire’s turf. Can you imagine someone like the Doctor being all buddy-buddy with a jerk like that?

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Tales from /lost+found 67: I Hate Hyperbole With the Fury of a Million Exploding Suns

We return to the 7-CD FMV game, because I put a lot of work into it.  This game is most directly inspired by The X-Files Game, made by HyperBole studios. They also made the Quantum Gate series, which I remember mostly for the fact that I’m pretty sure its surreal plot was a cover for the fact that their engine couldn’t track state enough to implement cause-and-effect. They also made The Madness of Roland, which is the game that killed Spoony. Or maybe the Spoony Clone. I don’t remember.

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Incidentally, if you look closely back at this image’s original appearance, you’ll notice that its caption says 6 CDs when 7 are clearly visible. Inspired by an actual eBay ad for a copy of Phantasmagoria.

Tales From /lost+found 65: The Orson Welles adaptation was good

I just sort of happened to have this lying around. It’s the closest thing I have to something actually relevant to Alvin Toffler, who passed away this week.

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Continue reading Tales From /lost+found 65: The Orson Welles adaptation was good

Tales from /lost+found 64: Fate protects fools, small children, and…

If you’ve been reading closely (And you haven’t, since basically no one has ever clicked on that picture), you might have seen this coming.

Usually, he wears sunglasses. Text below the fold

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Continue reading Tales from /lost+found 64: Fate protects fools, small children, and…

Tales from /lost+found 62: It’s super-effective!

Not much to say here, other than that I hope you’re printing these out in anticipation of trying to play the resulting game yourself and then leaving angry comments below about how the game is completely unbalanced.

Text below fold

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Continue reading Tales from /lost+found 62: It’s super-effective!

Tales from /lost+found 61: Famous Last Words

You know, I’ve been at this for over a year now, and I’m starting to wonder if it’s actually worth the effort, given that my readership is still in the tens of… ones. I mean, I enjoy doing it, but if it’s just me and like three other people doing it, is it really worth staying up till one in the morning struggling with photoshop while trying not to drop the baby?

Anyway, a copy of next year’s Doctor Who Annual had the good fortune to fall through a wormhole, so I reckoned I might as well share with you half of this page titled “53 Amazing Facts About the Doctor”

Text below the fold…

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