I can't stand burnt toast. I loathe bus stations; terrible places, full of lost luggage and lost souls... And then there's unrequited live. And tyrrany. And cruelty. -- The Doctor, Doctor Who: Ghost Light

IT71: Once again, I welcome our new mouse overlords

Seems like every few months, we discover a way to accidentally let rodents take over the world. Hm.


1: We can rebuild this mouse. We have the technology. We can make it stronger; faster; better.
2: I for one welcome our new mouse overlords.
3: (For the image)Hiya skipper! Looks like you’re trying to do some genetic augmentation! Would you like me to open the Microsoft Gene Splicing Wizard?

IT69: Via Time Travel

Okay, so I just noticed that what with my blog crashing all around me, I skipped ahead a number last week. Bending the space-time continuum, I now bring you the missing episode. IT71 will appear as expected next week, and IT72, as a result of my skilled manipulation, will appear on March 30, 1942.


And now we see the root cause of the New York City ban on using a certain racial epithet.

One IT To Rule Them All

Today’s IT comes to you from the “Internet Adverising Leads To Funny Juxtapositions” department.


If this medium was ammenable to my doing my GWB impression, I’d say “One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them. *snicker* *snicker*” in my Bush voice. Frankly, the punch lines for this one are endless, but the funniest ones are all sound-gags, based on associating your choice of politically important entity with characters from Lord of the Rings (Dick Cheney referring to Haliburton as “My precious” might make a good one) But since I can’t, here’s your punch-line instead.
Even Bush could not have anticpated Mordor joining the axis of evil