"And so I drown my sorrows in bread and lemonade, and I think I'll tell you that I loved you yesterday." -- Quiddity, Pass The Matches

ITCXVII: Sacre Bleu

Found this in my pile of funny Google News Pictures. Little known fact: before getting into politics, Sarkozy used to do modeling for educational publications. I believe this was actually the picture from my French 1 textbook to illustrate the concept of “Zut allors!”


That or “And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids and your dog.*”
*Et je m’en serais tirĂ© si ce n’est pour l’ingĂ©rence de vous les enfants et votre chien. More or less.

ITCXIV: If I could be a superhero

I’d totally not be TSA-Man


1. I totally read this headline as describing the strange case of creationists trying to prove that the dead body had not arisen through natural processes.
2. I don’t care if you’re dead, sir. We still need you to take off your shoes and provide two forms of identification.

ITCXIII: A Cunning Stunt


Trivia Question: In this picture, is the president sad because (a) The public has cottoned on to the fact that Global Warming may indeed actually exist, (b) The recent school board decisions in Florida that schools don’t have to teach the “scientific controversy” over evolution because there actually is no scientific controversy over it, (c) Someone just explained that “stunning” does not mean “very pretty” in this context, or (d) because he heard the name “Welch” and thought there would be delicious grape jelly?

ITCIX: Allons-y, Allonzo

You know, it has oft been noted that the Swiss Army Knife, while incredibly handy, contains tools oriented more toward, say, a boy scout than to a soldier in the field. A number of reasons have been proposed for this, including the fact that Switzerland hasn’t been to war in hundreds of years. But things could be worse:


Behold: The French army knife.