Remaining with you requires a level of stupidity of which I am not capable. -- Kerr Avon, Blake's 7

ITCXXIII: Bad taste, worse taste

Not too long ago, I found a pile of digital camera pictures from some time back. Today, I’d like to juxtapose two that I took at the National Aquarium in Baltimore on or around the beginning of November, 2006.


This is a little funny, because here’s an adventurous outdoorsman in a playset with a bunch of wild animals, and look: his arm’s missing. O for fun. Now, look at what was directly under it:

ITCXX: Real is the new Fake


Bakelite is plastic. Bakelite is the original fake material. Faux-bakelite is imitation fake material. Costume jewlery is fake jewelry. Reproduction costume jewlery is fake fake jewelry. Faux-bakelite reproduction costume jewlery is fake plastic fake imitation jewlery. I think this means it’s actually made of gold.