"You despise me, don't you?" -- Ugarte
"I suppose if I ever gave you any thought I would." -- Rick Blaine
-- Casablanca

An Arts! Because it’s time to be happy or sad.

This is a scheduled post, because I got a bottle of champagne and a bottle of draino, so I’ll be ready to toast either way. Anyway, I haven’t been writing much as you can tell, but it’s because I’ve been putting a lot of time into my art. I finally built up the nerve to start working with resin. Results are mixed.


Resin Art
This was an attempt to do a dirty pour from a kit. It didn’t work out; the colors mixed instead of staying separate the way acrylics do. Not sure why; it was supposed to come out as purple and green swirls instead of an even sort of purply-green mess. Also, there’s gold flake in there, but they all just clumped at the top.
This an acrylic pour from another kit. There’s a layer of textured paint on the bottom that is supposed to give it depth, but I don’t think they provided enough to have any effect. I like parts of this, but there’s too much black and the cells didn’t open up the way I wanted.
I like how wavy this is, but I was going for something more spacey with these colors. I’m going to try a resin surface treatment on this one.
These are going to be gifts. They’re order-of-play markers for boardgaming. The charms around the outside indicate the direction that play proceeds, and the center charm points to the current player, first player, or dealer. They’re reversible to accommodate games like Uno where the direction of play can change, and designed to be placed on a lighted pedestal. These are photographed in the counterclockwise orientation just because I couldn’t get the lighting right to photograph the other side.
See, here’s one lit up and oriented in the more common clockwise position
I made a soap dish! Functional art. It also glows in the dark. Very slightly, just enough to help you find it during an overnight bathroom break.
Okay actually I made two. I kinda want to make a third one in green, but green doesn’t match any of my bathrooms.


Good luck and god speed.

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