I am the farmer; I work in the fields all day. Don't mean to alarm her, but I know it was meant to be this way. -- Barenaked Ladies, Straw Hat and Dirty Old Hank


An unattributed list of how I think about various media figures who believe themselves qualified to pass judgment on what it takes to be manly and expect me to follow their advice lest I will be considered no-true-man:

  • Twink Lumberjack
  • Ventriloquist’s Dummy who needs to claim 3 more human souls to become a real boy
  • Literal sack of bees
  • Real estate developer who’s going to bulldoze the goondocks at noon
  • Satan from that weird Mexican Santa Claus movie has really let himself go
  • A penis which, despite being the size of a man, still seems really, really small
  • The dude who stole Pee-Wee’s bike
  • Pillsbury Dough-Bigot
  • Ripped Lex Luthor, the only person on this list where I can actually understand why people listen to him even though he’s a monster.

I’m not going to say who’s who, so if you are upset about how I’ve described your favorite manosphere figure, just assume I’m talking about some other twink lumberjack.

One thought on ““Alpha””

  1. aside from Twink Lumberjack = matt walsh? i don’t have a decoder ring for the rest

    andrew tate, ben shapiro, jordon peterson,

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