I am the farmer; I work in the fields all day. Don't mean to alarm her, but I know it was meant to be this way. -- Barenaked Ladies, Straw Hat and Dirty Old Hank

We interrupt this vacation to bring you an advertisement

Okay so I’m not going all the way to London for this, but if it ever shows up stateside, I know what I want for my next birthday.

I think the generic term is “Immersive Experience”. I don’t know how long this sort of thing has been around, but they’ve been popping up a lot in the DC metro area, sometimes at places like National Harbor which are built for large exhibitions, or in disused retail space, of which there is quite a lot. Last year, we went to see the immersive Vincent Van Gogh experience, which was super cool, and we’re doing one called “Dopamine Land” tomorrow. But then, since I ended up with the right advertising cookies I guess, this appeared to me today:

Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of The War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience

2 thoughts on “We interrupt this vacation to bring you an advertisement”

  1. Vincent Van Gogh experience I think was around here too except it cost $60 per person, and you still had to download a proprietary party app on your phone (apple no android support).

    So me my family didn’t go.

  2. Ouch. It was a lot cheaper here. Don’t remember any app other than the one they used for delivering tickets (Not even sure what that was for since the tickets were also emailed)

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