Imperial starship, stop the flow of time! -- Christopher Plumber, Starcrash


Since I seem to be having trouble talking about SNW so far removed, he’s something about Discovery, even further removed. A scene I’d like to see in season 5:


Reno: Hey prof.

Pelia: Jett Reno? What are you doing here? I thought you died a thousand years ago!

Reno: I did. I came back as a ghost to haunt you over that D you gave me in Intro to Warp Mechanics.

Pelia: You shouldn’t be here. Time travel is illegal. We had a whole war over it! There are rules.

Reno: Yeah, I tend to interpret rules as more like “guidelines”.

Pelia: I remember. That’s why I gave you a “D”.

One thought on “Flash Fiction: IN THE THIRTY-SECOND CENTURY”

  1. “he’s something about Discovery, even further removed”

    I think you mean here’s something about ST:D , even further removed

    I mean the grammatical error is a minor one, and it’s easy to infer the correct word form sentence context. But I just felt like correcting you rather then engage with the text in any meaningful way.

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