"You are as reliable as a painting in wave-wet sand." -- Ace of Base, Wave Wett Sand


I have about a hundred words left to write in the final chapter of the Winnie-the-Pooh story, but for dramatic purposes it will have to wait for shipping.


An Nvidia graphics card ca 2006 with its cooling system removed
So here’s a weird thing that happened. Was going to get rid of the computer I bought about 15 years ago when I got my first Real Proper Grown-Up Job, and I was stripping it for parts. When I pulled out the video card, the heat sink just fell away and the cooling fan crumbled at my touch.
A burn
I whacked my arm on a halogen bulb and burned it. Hurt like hell for a few hours, but stopped quickly. When it healed, my freckles had migrated. Like, the new skin that healed over the burn was freckle-less, but the edge of the burn is now marked with a visible line of extra-dense freckles, as though the freckles on the injured skin had moved.

2 thoughts on “Oddities”

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