The businessmen, they drink my wine; the ploughmen dig my earth. None of them along the line know what any of it is worth. -- Bob Dylan, All Along the Watchtower

Can’t Get A Post Ready, You Know Why

Depending on the outcome last night, I am one of several forms of indisposed.

Depending on the outcome last night, I may return to a normal schedule next week.

Depending on the outcome last night, this may be the last you hear from me.

I’m tired of being told how we should be civil and stay friends with our political opponents. If with your vote, you are choosing to oppress my gay friends, threaten my black friends, threaten my Jewish friends, delegitimize my Hispanic friends, kill my friends with chronic medical conditions, give me the plague, and leave a planet uninhabitable for my children, it is not reasonable to expect me to be nice to you and frankly, I wish you’d have the honesty to hate me to my face rather than gaslighting me with “civility” whole you attack me, my friends and everything I hold dear.


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