Don't let the days go by. Glycerine. -- Bush, Glycerine

Shallow Ice: Killraven

Killraven Mavel Amazing Aventures Number 18
Nope. Nope nope nope nope. Nope.

It is May 1973. In Chicago, the Sears Tower becomes the world’s tallest building. Secretariat wins the Kentucky Derby. Skylab is launched. Bruce Lee is hospitalized for cerebral edema, the condition that would fatally recur later that summer. Charges are dismissed against Daniel Ellsberg for his role in releasing the Pentagon Papers. In  Frontiero v Richardson, the US Supreme court rules that military benefits must be granted equally to female service members.

George Harrison releases “Give me Love”; Stevie Wonder releases “You are the Sunshine of My Life.” The former will not top the US charts until June; the latter snags the top spot for one week, between “Tie a Yellow Ribbon ‘Round the Ole Oak Tree” by Dawn with Tony Orlando, and “Frankenstein” by the Edgar Winter Group. Zepplin plays Shae Stadium.

On British television are Doctor Who with the last two parts of “Planet of the Daleks” and the first two parts of “The Green Death”. Stateside, there’s Good TimesSanford and SonThe Six Million Dollar Man, The Brady Bunch, “New” shows for Bill Cosby and Dick Van Dyke, Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-InM*A*S*H, All in the Family, I could go on forever. Ooh, this one’s interesting: Valerie Perrine is the first woman to appear nude on US TV in the PBS production of Steambath. And the Watergate hearings start airing, interrupting daytime TV.

And Marvel Comics introduces Killraven, a gladiator from the far-off world of 2018, in which the Earth has been conquered by Martians – those same invaders who attacked the Earth in Wells’s original novel, returned in the year 2001 having developed immunity to Earth’s bacteria. So, if I want to take a look at this beloved classic character, what am I in for? Let’s just check The Complete Marvel Reading Order


Nope. Fuck that. Not doing it. Nope. Nope nope nope. Just go and read the Wikipedia article instead. Peace out.

2 thoughts on “Shallow Ice: Killraven”

  1. [puts on devil horns]
    Rosss come on it’ss only 37 isssuess, bessidess you only need to deal with the one that have martienss in them which hass to be lesss then that. It will be eassy and oh sso quick.

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