If you said goodbye to me tonight, there would still be music left to write. -- Billy Joel, For the Longest Time

Parenthesis: A Christmas Present

I got myself a little Christmas Present:

War of the Worlds 1970s Pitch Reel Film Cels
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Four film cels from the 1970s pitch reel for George Pal’s proposed War of the Worlds TV series. These are from the close-up of Matt Jeffries’s sketch of an  alien weapon system:

War of the Worlds 1970s TV demo reel
I do own a film scanner, but the linux driver can’t set the backlight properly.

For comparison, here’s a screenshot from the DVD transfer I reviewed back in ’15:

George Pal's Proposed War of the Worlds TV Series - Weapon system
Now that I look at it, the inspiration very clearly seems to be the moment of fertilization.

Unfortunately, the acrylic stand got scuffed up a bit in the mail, and I damaged the sticker a bit, but the film cels are intact, and it’s pretty damn cool to have an actual piece of physical history. Plus it was considerably cheaper than what I’ve paid for way less cool War of the Worlds things like the audio tapes. Since even I have more sense than to pay what it would likely cost me to get one of those 1988 Press Kit globes, this is likely to be the best bit of swag I ever get my hands on.

The seller also threw in this neat War of the Worlds sticker neat from Grand Rapids Comi-Con:

Grand Rapids Comic-Con War of the Worlds Sticker
Due to the scarcity of War of the Worlds merch, this may actually be the third coolest bit of WoW swag I own.

Depending on when you’re reading this, the seller might still have a few if you’re interested.

Merry Christmas.

2 thoughts on “Parenthesis: A Christmas Present”

  1. god this feels like a lifetime ago when it’s only been 6 months

    ps were’s your scrooge sets up foundation of the science of ghost short fic?

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