A whole empire held together by people being terribly nice to each other. -- The Doctor, Doctor Who: The Keeper of Traken

Tales from /lost+found 241: S06E12 (Season Finale!)

So I’ve been doing this for a few years now, and it’s kind of a lot of work for the one or maybe two people who read it. I’m not actually giving up or anything, but I think I’m going to take some time away from it and maybe do something else for a while. Tales From /lost+found will return at Christmas.

Jenna Coleman in Doctor Who
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6×12 Two Streams: The Doctor has driven off the creature and saved Lorna and Stefan, but the danger in the Gamma Forest isn’t over yet, as the Doctor’s nemesis and Sammy’s estranged daughter Melody Pond has arrived, and Harmony Beck’s secret agenda is about to be revealed.

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