He's not the king of bedside manor; he's not the Tom Jones who lives next door (no, not any more). He's not the king of bedside manor, well he hardly even lives there anymore. -- Barenaked Ladies, The King of Bedisde Manor

Tales From /lost+found 225: Go for the throat

Vampire Lords – A race of creatures who fed on the blood of sentient beings. The Vampire Lords claimed to have been nearly exterminated by the Time Lords in the distant past [US: Lords of Blood], however, this account conflates the Vampire Lords with the Great Vampires, an older, non-humanoid race. In fact, the Vampire Lords were a chimeric species created by the Great Vampires as a servant race by combining their own biodata with that of humanoid species [TDA: Vampyre Science]. One example of this process was done by the King Vampire to create the Three Who Rule from the crew of the Earth ship Hydrax [OS: State of Decay]. Vampire Lords could convert other humanoids into vampires by feeding on them [NA: Blood Harvest]. According to one legend, Rassilon was bitten by the King Vampire and became a Vampire Lord himself [MA: Goth Opera]. Vampires were extremely resilient and could be killed only by decapitation, destruction of the heart, or prolonged exposure to the sunlight of their homeworld. Vampire Lords were quantum entangled with their progeny. When a Vampire Lord died, any other vampires it had created within the planet’s current lunar cycle would revert to their natural, non-vampiric form [US: Lords of Blood]. Vampire Lords lacked the Rassilon Imprimatur, and suffered serious physical damage from time travel [US: Human Nature]. The Forge recovered a sample of Great Vampire DNA and were able to create a new race of Vampire Lords [BF: Project: TwilightProject: Valhalla]

One thought on “Tales From /lost+found 225: Go for the throat”

  1. For the Mariner he was also an Hi-ber-ni-an. And he stepped out on the shingle, and went home to his mother, who had given him leave to trail his toes in the water; and he married and lived happily ever afterward. So did the Whale. But from that day on, the grating in his throat, which he could neither cough up nor swallow down, prevented him eating anything except very, very small fish; and that is the reason why whales nowadays never eat men or boys or little girls.

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