O! That I had been writ down an ass! -- Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing IV.ii

Tales from /lost+found 210: Orb.

Morphic Orb – Genetic manipulator used by the Jagaroth. While trapped on Earth, the Jagaroth used the device to disguise himself as various indigenous life forms, eventually taking the identity of Mr. Jagger [US: The Last Time Lord]. The device stored the user’s original DNA to restore it later. When the Jagaroth attempted to alter his own timeline using the modified Time Destructor, Dr. Kelly Grace used the device to change his appearance to that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, prompting his past-self to destroy him. The Doctor kept the device, and later used it to change himself into the human John Smith while dealing with his guilt over the destruction of Mondas [US: Human Nature]. The Vampire Lords tracked the device to Earth, intending to steal the Doctor’s genetic information to become vampire Time Lords. John Smith secretly changed himself back into the Doctor, so that when the vampires used it, it instead changed them into human vampires, making them vulnerable to the light from Earth’s sun [US: Lords of Blood]. The device had to be primed by extracting the biodata of the target species. The Doctor later modified the device so that this could be done non-lethally. The Jagaroth’s device contained archived biodata from over 1000 Earth species. The Doctor used it to swap biodata among delegates at the an interstellar peace conference to force them to cooperate [TDA: The Taking of Planet 5].

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