When I said that I would die a bachelor, I did not think that I would live 'till I were married. -- Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing II.ii

Tales from /lost+found 208: More Outdated Facts

Cybermen – Cyborg race from the planet Mondas, sometimes called “Cybs”. Some time around 44 BC, Mondasian industrialist Hovard Regnos created the first Cybermen as a way to allow Mondasians to survive space travel in order to colonize their twin planet, Earth [US: Genesis of the Cybs]. After being converted into the first Cyberleader, Regnos changed his plans to forcibly convert the entire Mondasian population. Though the Doctor defeated Regnos and slowed the orbital shift of Mondas, the people of that planet slowly accepted voluntary cyber-conversion to survive worsening conditions on their planet over the next hundred years. Some time later, an advance party of Cybermen left Mondas, settling on Planet 14, which acted as a staging area for attacks on Earth in 1780 [US: The Iron Turk] and the 1970s [OS: The Invasion]. Mondas itself returned to attack Earth in 1986 [OS: The Tenth Planet] but was destroyed by absorbing too much energy. Due to the Doctor’s interference in their past and the effects of the Time War, history was altered so that these events occurred in 2003 instead [US: The Twin Planet/Shell Game]. After the destruction of Mondas, survivors from the advance party used scavenged Dalek technology to establish themselves in space [US: Daleks vs Cybermen], conquering the planets Telos and Cyberius [OS: Tomb of the Cybermen, US: Tomb of the Cybs], and would attack Earth repeatedly in the twenty-first century [US: Hearts of Steel, NA: Iceberg], as well as attacking human colonies and space stations [OS: The Moonbase, The Wheel in Space], eventually leading to a Cyber-War which left the Cybermen almost extinct [OS: Revenge of the CybermenEarthshock, Attack of the Cybermen]. The Cybermen would later be resurrected by humans in a bid to use their technology to win the Orion War [BF: The Sword of OrionCyberman]. Cybermen used brain surgery to suppress their capacity for emotion and would be driven violently insane if their emotions were restored by external stimulation [OS: The Invasion, US: The Last Cyb]. Cybermen were also vulnerable to gold, which interfered with the interface between their organic and technological componentsAt some point in the far future, reformed Cybermen known as “Cyber Lords” would somehow redeem all intelligent life [MA: The Crystal Bucephalus].


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