He's everything you want; he's everything you need; he's everything indise of you that you wish you could be. He says all the right things, at exactly the right time, but he means nothing to you and you don't know why. -- Vertical Horizon, Everything You Want

Tales From /lost+found 202: Citation Needed

The editors of wikia or fandom or whatever would like to remind you that wild-ass speculations in excerpts from unlicensed reference books like the one quoted below are not considered canon for the purpose of scholarly reference.

From The Universal Databanque: A Compleat Encyclopaedia Of Doctor Who For The Exhaustively Nerdy, 2011 Edition:

War Lords – Enemy of the Time Lords who fought in The Great Time War. Known to Faction Paradox as The Enemy [PDA: The Taking of Planet 5]. The War Lords have at various times hinted that they are a future incarnation of Humans [US: The Terrible Zodin] or a parallel universe version of the Time Lords [WDA: Sometime Never]. These claims are obfuscations of the truth that the War Lords are not a race, but a philosophy, and any species can become War Lords by embracing the belief that conflict, not progress, provides structure to the Web of Time. Use of the Key to Time to defeat enemies put the user at particular risk of becoming a War Lord [US: The Key To Time]. Most War Lords suffered from photophobia and could be incapacitated by bright lights. War Lords only occasionally pursued outright conquest, instead working from the shadows to intensify existing local conflicts [NA: Timewyrm: Exodus]. The War Lords usually acted through intermediaries.  The first conflict between the Time Lords and the War Lords came when The Doctor informed his people of a plot by the War Lords to abduct humans to serve as an army [OS: The War Games]. The Time Lords sealed the War Lord homeworld off from the rest of the universe in a Time Loop, but they later escaped. The conflict escalated when the Doctor used the Key to Time to erase the memory of Zodin the War Queen and hide her on Earth [US: The Key to Time]. Other races manipulated into serving the War Lord cause include the Daleks [BF: The Juggernauts] and the Zog [PDA: Players]. Varnax and The Master were corrupted by the War Lords, but did not fully become War Lords themselves. By the end of the War, the Doctor believed that his own people were on the verge of becoming War Lords [HV: The Fall of Arcadia]. The entire War Lord race was destroyed or locked away along with the Time Lords when the Doctor ended the war by means not known, but possibly involving the Key to Time [US: War of the Doctor], the Pandorica [BF: Other Wars], or the Rassilon Sanction [TDA: The Gallifrey Chronicles]. The War Lord command ship was later released from the Time War by The Toymaker [US: Endgame]. Known War Lord leaders include The War LordThe War Chief, and Zodin the War Queen.

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