And I offer no sympathy for that, I hear that it was you who died alone. And I offer no sympathy for that; better off I sparkle on my own. -- Anna Nalick, In The Rough

Tales From /lost+found 191: Not legally considered edible in California.

SAMMYName one thing then. One thing about humans you can’t find a million other places in the universe.

(a beat)



THE DOCTORDragee. Cachous. You know? Those little silver sugar balls you use to decorate cakes.

SAMMYSugar balls? I’m having an existential crisis and you’re talking about sugar balls?

THE DOCTORLook. Every race that survives long enough discovers fire. Invents the wheel. The sword. The atom bomb. Reality TV. Hyperdrive. Art. Poetry. Love. But in the entire history of the universe, you ridiculous bald apes are the only species that ever came up with the idea of making edible ball bearings and putting them on cakes. My people conquered time, but they never managed edible ball bearings.

SAMMYAre you trying to make me feel better?

THE DOCTORYou asked me to name one thing. Not the best thing or the biggest thing. Just one thing.

SAMMYWhy that thing?

THE DOCTORBecause, Sammy, there is nothing in this universe that is so small or insignificant that it can’t be special. Even an edible ball bearing.


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