Carnelian stars and the bars down below serve only vodka and gin. -- The Weepies, Antarctica

More Delays

That family health thing resolved in the way it was probably going to rather than in the way we all hoped it was going to. So next week probably.

In the mean time, here is some small things. To start, something I found at the local Giant:

The Time Lord Triumphant Discovers the limits of how far you should go with Pumpkin Spice.

And here is a charming Evie anecdote:

Evie: My belly hurts.
Daddy: Do you want some medicine?
Evie: No.

Evie: My belly hurts. I want medicine for my belly.
Daddy: Okay. (gets oral syringe of gas drops)
Evie: I do it. (wrests syringe from daddy)
(lifts up shirt)
(sticks syringe into her navel)


2 thoughts on “More Delays”

  1. She’s fine. The family medical issue was with someone else.

    Though the next time she had a tummyache I asked if she wanted medicine for her tummy and she said, “No. I want medicine for my mouth.”

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