One part the Fuehrer, one part the Pope; the inevitable return of the great white dope. -- Bloodhound Gang, The Inevitable Return of the Great White Dope

Tales from /lost+found 173: Gettin’ Twitchy

You may know that recently concluded a streaming event showing much of the classic series of Doctor Who. Sadly, due to licensing issues, most of the stories featuring the Daleks couldn’t be shown.

Now, Twitch has moved on to running a marathon of Knight Rider, a show which is also very dear to my heart. Sadly, the same licensing issues are affecting that marathon as well, costing us some classics:

David Hasselhoff Knight Rider Dalek Crossover.
Wait a second; he’s got too many eyes.

But of course, we should all be used to this by now, given what we missed during the Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood marathon earlier this year…

Fred Rogers and a Dalek
I’ll admit, I cried a little when Fred suggested that they find a constructive use for their radical xenophobia.

And who could forget where it all started?

Bob Ross painting a Dalek
And if you make a mistake, you can just paint a happy little alien death machine over it.

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