Oh my look at those eyes, look at the trouble that they hide inside. See the flicker of pain on the rise. Oh my look at those eyes. Maybe they're like mine, things I wish I did not see. Push away all the dirt and debris, what will be left of me? -- Alexz Johnson, Look at Those Eyes
ok question Kevin Sorbo Presents The War of the Worlds: A Biblical Reading real? or part of your kayabey?
That one is shockingly real, though it’s been redacted so forcefully I suspect legal action was involved (Maybe it’ll be back now that Wells is out of copyright?). It’s mentioned in the ‘About the Author’ section of several of his still=-extant books: https://books.google.com/books/about/Justin_Time.html?id=QPQFoQEACAAJ, though it’s inconsistent whether the “Kevin Sorbo Presents” is attached to that one (And the other ‘Kevin Sorbo Presents’ books for that matter). The guy’s whole bibliography sounds like an evangelical acid trip: his biggest series seems to be about a time-traveling Bond-inspired spy for the US government’s biblical terrorism department or something. He’s also got a series about Hercules meeting biblical patriarchs and I think an action-adventure series about a guy who singlehandedly defeats the all-powerful international porn industry to put an end to naked people on the internet once and for all.
ok question Kevin Sorbo Presents The War of the Worlds: A Biblical Reading real? or part of your kayabey?
That one is shockingly real, though it’s been redacted so forcefully I suspect legal action was involved (Maybe it’ll be back now that Wells is out of copyright?). It’s mentioned in the ‘About the Author’ section of several of his still=-extant books: https://books.google.com/books/about/Justin_Time.html?id=QPQFoQEACAAJ, though it’s inconsistent whether the “Kevin Sorbo Presents” is attached to that one (And the other ‘Kevin Sorbo Presents’ books for that matter). The guy’s whole bibliography sounds like an evangelical acid trip: his biggest series seems to be about a time-traveling Bond-inspired spy for the US government’s biblical terrorism department or something. He’s also got a series about Hercules meeting biblical patriarchs and I think an action-adventure series about a guy who singlehandedly defeats the all-powerful international porn industry to put an end to naked people on the internet once and for all.