Even while we sleep, we will find you acting on your best behavior, turn your back on mother nature; everybody wants to rule the world. -- Tears for Fears, Everybody Wants to Rule The World

Scheduling Conflict

Due to a scheduling conflict, Tales from /lost+found 119 and 120 will be airing on Wednesday, July 12 and July 19 respectively. As a placeholder, please enjoy this bit from my process of figuring out the twist in the Doctor Who season finale:

6/25: Oh come on! Water is real. You can film actual water. The mask is real and metal is waterproof. Why the fuck are you CGIing in a teardrop? And how can the BBC not manage to make a single drop of water look even the slightest bit convincing in 2017? Fuck this noise.
7/2: What, again? No, wait a second. Holy shit holy shit holy shit. When was the last time we saw a whole bunch of shit CGI water effects? I hope I’m right I hope I’m right I hope I’m right.


2 thoughts on “Scheduling Conflict”

  1. I’ve stopped watching Doctor Who long before now but what is your excitement, zombie water from mars ? something from original series? nessie?

  2. In the season opener, a girl Bill [spoiler](who is currently the Cyberman)[/spoiler] had a crush on got turned into a sentient puddle of crappy CGI water with godlike powers. [spoiler]She comes back at the end, saves Bill (who saves the Doctor), and the two fly off together to be magic crappy-CGI-water space lesbians,[/spoiler] which is pretty much the best way a season of Doctor Who, or indeed anything at all, can end

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