Damn. I wasn’t expecting to have to do something like this again so soon. Fuck cancer. You go kill it, Joe Biden.
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I’ve always kinda wanted Alan Rickman to play Avon in a big-screen adaptation of Blake’s 7. But this’ll have to do. Check below the fold for the back cover blurb…

What if…
The Doctor kept his promises?
One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back…
London in the twenty-second century is slowly recovering from the Dalek Invasion of Earth. But danger remains all around. Decades after their defeat, Dalek artifacts still pose deadly threats for the unlucky humans who discover them. Councilwoman Susan Campbell is uneasy: over the past month, a dozen people have disappeared in the vicinity of the Dalek base at Canary Wharf, long thought defunct. Even more worrying, the council has been petitioned by the powerful Mrs. Isset, for access to the artifact, and her arguments seem to have an strangely hypnotic persuasiveness. And rumors are spreading of something deadly lurking in the sewers. Something that looks like a giant robotic spider…
Susan needs an ally, but can she trust a mysterious newcomer who claims to be her grandfather?
Starring Alan Rickman (The Doctor), Carole Ann Ford (Susan), Michelle Gomez (The Master), and Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks)