It's a strange world; it's a very strange world, that leaves me holding on to nothing when there's nothing left to lose. -- Sarah McLachlan, Strange World

Cacothesis: 2015 GOP Primary Edition

In honor of the fall hiatuses of War of the Worlds, I’m going to take a couple of weeks to go off on tangents. First up, if I may get briefly political.

Exhibit 1:

Donald Trump 1985
Future Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump, ca 1985.

Exhibit 2:

War of the Worlds: Julian Richings
Ardix of Mothrai, genocidal alien invader. ca. “Almost Tomorrow” relative to 1989

Am I saying that Donald Trump is secretly the last survivor of a genocidal invading army from a distant part of space who have come to exterminate humanity in the name of their giant floating jellyfish-brain god?

Let’s just say that I’d be very interested to know where that dove is now…

War of the Worlds

2 thoughts on “Cacothesis: 2015 GOP Primary Edition”

  1. Why exactly did Ardix need to kill a bird to demonstrate to… the camera…? that the greenhouse was lethal to anyone and anything not Morthren? No one was in there (except the TV show crew, and we assume they survived, so they must be Morthren, ha ha). It shows he’s either a sadist, or he’s aware he’s on TV.

    And why a dove? I mean, do the plants not grow properly unless the greenhouse is … sufficiently lethal to doves?

    It’s just so bizarre. The people who made this show… are weirdos. So much TV is like this, but this is a series I liked for some reason (season one is why, but season two had definite good points too).

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