When I said that I would die a bachelor, I did not think that I would live 'till I were married. -- Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing II.ii

Tales from /lost+found 15: In Which the Hoff is Hassled

As you can tell by the color of the paper, this is the sixth revision of the shooting script for the Doctor Who fortieth anniversary special. Numerous rewrites were required to accommodate David HasslehoffHasselhoff’s insistence that his character not come off as “a total poindexter”. Transcript below the fold.

Script page from a hypothetical Doctor Who starring Hugh Laurie and David Hasslehoff
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But not like this.

Look, lady, I ain’t crazy about it either. But look at them.

On THE DOCTOR and THE OLD DOCTOR arguing around the console.

WAR DOCTOR (cont’d)
They deserve a better past than me. Better to start again. Reboot.

They hate you so much they don’t see it yet. They’ll never forgive themselves when they figure it out.

Figure what out?

That your story was a load of bull.
The WAR DOCTOR closes his eye and grunts.

It wasn’t all bull. A time lord did make me to be a weapon.
CLOSE UP on the WAR DOCTOR. He touches his chest.

WAR DOCTOR (cont’d)
I did. I gave myself to this war. I was wrong. They need to be free of it.
A beat.

Aren’t you going to say anything?

What is there to say?

I wasn’t talking to you.
Wider: We see that ALICE is looking directly at SIX.

I’m talking to you.
SIX smiles.

Clever girl.

2 thoughts on “Tales from /lost+found 15: In Which the Hoff is Hassled”

  1. You seem to have misspelled Hasselhoff’s name and … didn’t you have this transcript already?

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