Welcome to the WORLD of Tomorrow!

Iambic Cutaway

(This article has been modified so that its text will not appear on index pages)

A horse and a man, above, below.
One has a plan, but both must go.
Mile after mile, above, beneath.
One has a smile, and one has teeth.
In bed above, we’re deep asleep,
while greater love lies further deep.
This dream must end, this world must know,
we all depend on the beast below.

The Beast Below

Demons run when a good man goes to war.
Night will fall and drown the sun,
when a good man goes to war.
Friendship dies and true love lies,
night will fall and the dark will rise,
when a good man goes to war.
Demons run but count the cost.
The battle’s won, but the child is lost

A Good Man Goes to War

Tick tock, goes the clock, and what now shall we play?
Tick tock, goes the clock, now summer’s gone away.
Tick tock, goes the clock, and all the years they fly.
Tick tock, and all too soon, your love will surely die.
Tick tock, goes the clock, the cradle now be rocked.
Tick tock, goes the clock, till River kills the Doctor.
Tick tock, goes the clock, he gave all he could give.
Tick tock, goes the clock, now prison waits for River

Closing Time / The Wedding of River Song

Do you hear the Whisper Men? The Whisper Men are near.
If you hear the Whisper Men, then turn away your ear.
Do not hear the Whisper men, whatever else you do.
For once you’ve heard the Whisper Men, they’ll stop and look at you.
The trap is set for the Doctor’s friends. They will travel where the Doctor ends.
His friends are lost for ever more, unless he goes to Trenzalore.
This man must fall as all men must. The fate of all is always dust.
The man who lies will lie no more when this man lies at Trenzalore.
The girl who died he tried to save. She’ll die again inside his grave.

The Name of the Doctor

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