We were looking for ourselves, and found each other. -- Barenaked Ladies, In the Car

Shambling Toward Success

A short story cryptically titled “Document 5274.45-024.NA107.TMpl-Cltp.16947.0087”, was featured on episode 92 of Dr. Pus’s “Library of the Living Dead” podcast. This is a short epistolary story which I wrote under the name “Redshoe”, and aired as part of a segment called “Letters from the Dead”.
My story appears around 11:44 into the program (Or 7:46, if you care to hear Dr. Pus’s zombie-themed rendition of Joe Cocker’s “The Letter”, used to introduce the segment), and is a bit sad.
The podcast can be found here: http://dr-pus.podomatic.com/entry/2009-10-16T22_06_26-07_00
If, having listened to my story, you find that you want more, the entire “Library of the Living Dead” series can be found at http://dr-pus.podomatic.com/. It’s a bit of a mixed bag, embodying both the strengths (If you’re reading this blog, you know I have a thing for eschatology) and the weaknesses of the genre (Sturgeon’s Law and rabid survivalist fantasy), but leaning heavily toward the awesome, and definitely worth a listen if you’re into that sort of thing.

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