Blonde over blue; your hands are cold, your eyes are fire. -- Billy Joel, Blonde Over Blue


Mostly by way of demonstrating to my readers (both of you) that I’m still alive.
Things I discovered this past weekend:
1. The lights in the front of the basement, and correspondingly the electrical outlet on the base of the light fixture, are on the same circuit as the back of the living room where my linux box is plugged in, the back of the office where the rest of the computers are plugged in, and the front of the office where the air conditioner is plugged in
2. The light in the back of the basement is on the same circuit as the washing machine
3. Leah’s vacuum cleaner plus the three computers in the office plus the air conditioner plus the one computer in the living room all together draw more than 15 amps.
4. So does Leah’s vacuum cleaner plus the washing machine.

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