The businessmen, they drink my wine; the ploughmen dig my earth. None of them along the line know what any of it is worth. -- Bob Dylan, All Along the Watchtower

The Tribe: 31-35

  • Magenta is resorting to increasingly desperate means to fuel her puking addiction.
  • Amber likes Sasha, which is hard to believe, because Sasha is singularly unlikable.
  • The new wind turbine charges some batteries, so they immediately decide to put on the Soundtrack from The Tribe and hold a rave.
  • Remember how Amber liked Sasha? This has resulted in the first instance of Bray turning into a jealous little bitch all season
  • In search of supplies for the wedding, the men all decide to trade with a group of roughneck lesbians on a farm, led by the fat coarse one, who becomes the first woman in the series Lex Luthor actively dreads sleeping with. She’s accompanied by the really butch one and, close as I can tell, Freema Agyeman.
  • I hope they shout “Kill the pig / Spill its blood.” when they butcher the pig they bought. Which I suspect won’t happen, because Ryan nearly offers his body to Lex in gratitude when he sees it.
  • Meanwhile, Zandra reveals a diamond necklace which Magenta will later steal to trade for binging supplies.
    • Trudy: Are those real diamonds
    • Zandra: (words to the effect of “yes”)
    • Leah:Really? They don’t look real.
    • Ross:Neither did the handcuffs.
  • Lex Luthor throws in his favorite CD in exchange for some hard cider, which the leader of the farm girls says will “Put hair on his chest.” I assume she is speaking from experience. Also, I believe this marks the first time that it’s been the characters and not the audience that has needed to drink to get through the episode.
  • Sasha and Amber have at least a snog before he leaves, but she’s looking kind of post-coital in the next episode.
  • Tyson appears to wear her underwear on the outside of her pants.
  • Zandra appears to use the term “on the grog” to refer to Lex Luthor’s drunkenness (which it appears, has been a problem in the past). Is this a real Kiwi term, or some sort of Way Cool Totally Radical post-apocalypse term?
  • Unfortunately for Magenta (but possibly fortunate for Zandra), Zandra’s diamonds are indeed fake, and Magenta can’t trade them for a fix of that sweet, sweet beefaroni.
  • They’ve pulled the Name That Tune trick so often that I can’t tell if the music at the wedding is the incidental music, or if they’re using the soundtrack as her processional.
  • So Lex Luthor and Zandra are now married. The vows he needs Ryan to write for him because he’s illiterate turn out to be better than Zandra’s “And I vow the same,” bullshit. Seriously, what’s her excuse?
  • Much of the next episode is devoted to Lex and Zandra, two patently dislikable people, and their pillow talk.
  • Increasing the creepiness of this nightlong marathon, Leah and I simultanteously made the “Spam, spam, spam, spam, eggs, and spam” joke when Zandra suggests “Beans and beans, beans and eggs, eggs and beans, or eggs and eggs,” for breakfast.
  • After a night of sex, and a morning of sex, Lex gets out of bed still wearing pants, and I believe Zandra is now less naked than when she got married.
  • Sasha reminds Leah of her ex. I have never felt more secure in my masculinity,
  • As of Episode 33, Magenta’s scavenging for a binge, Kiwi Kid From Love Actually has a broken ankle, Bray is being a little bitch, Ryan has decided to run away from home and has taken up with Beavis and Butthead, KC is hung over, and Amber has gone off to frolic in the park with Sasha. Yes. Frolic.
  • Apparently, there is a thriving economy supporting bulimics in the future, as Magenta appears to have an actual dealer who will trade her for food. When Magenta has nothing to trade, the dealer appears to be willing to set her up for a life of whoring out her body in exchange for binge food.
  • Amber goes for a walk on the beach wearing a sports bra and sarong, which I believe makes her less clothed than Zandra right now.
  • I realize that infants aren’t meant to be great actors, but the foley of the baby cooing is overlaid on footage of a baby who clearly is not making any sort of noise.
  • Lex and KC bond over their mutual illiteracy. Getting laid regularly has made Lex Luthor a much nicer person.
  • KC has decided for some reason to murder Kiwi Love Actually Kid. I kinda think that KC had a thing for Jack, and now that he’s got Dal back, he’s all kinds of jealous
  • Ryan happens upon Magenta’s drug dealer (who is now helping her get over her bulimia), who takes him in and is very nice to him, offering him sex with this redheaded chyk they’ve added to their lucrative cottage brothel industry

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