Deactivating a generator loop without the correct key is like repairing a watch with a hammer and chisel. One false move and you'll never tell time again. -- The Doctor, Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars

Suck it, RIAA

For Leah:
When you’ve got a favorite song,
You must rip it
Before Blu-Ray comes along
You must rip it
The RIAA is wrong,
You can rip it
Now rip it
Off that tape
Pick a high
Bit rate
Save to disk
As MP3
You already bought it
Don’t pay a fee
To rip it
Rip it good
Your tapes are wearing out
You must rip it
A new hit song just came out
You must rip it
Your iPod will not play
Until you rip it
I say rip it
Rip it good
I say rip it
Rip it good
Start that rip
Give DRM the slip
Rip another track
Pariser’s smoking crack
When a CD comes along
You must rip it
Or a new movie from Hong Kong
You must rip it
AACS won’t last that long
If you rip it
Now rip it
Watch it on
Take it with you
In your car
On MP3
Just rip it
Stay up late
Making your own
Mix tape
Go store it
All for free
On a hard drive
Just rip it
Rip it good

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