You sign 'Prince of Darkness'? Try 'Squire of Dimness'. -- Tori Amos, She's Your Cocaine

IT90: The internet is for porn


In a thousand years, our descendants will all take a break from eating food pills and flying in jetpacks to observe a moment of silence in memory of those who died in the great porn war.
Based on that picture, I assume the key point of contention is: Do we really need high definition to appreciate grainy, low-quality, camcorder-filmed amateur porn? Yes. Yes we do.

One thought on “IT90: The internet is for porn”

  1. The adult entertainment industry has always fueled the growth of Internet technologies; back in the BBS days image boards demanded multi-line setups, early web sites demanded high speed connections to satiate their users, modern sites demand geographically disparate load balanced server farms. Not everyone enjoys their products, but everyone on the Internet reaps the technological benefits because of those who do.

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