The color of the sky, as far as I can see, is cold gray. -- 10,000 Maniacs, Like the Weather

Random Thoughts

A roundup of things I’ve noticed or thought of lately…

  • The squirrels used to like ot taunt Sarah. Being a small game dog, she’d have liked nothing better than to chase them. To my knowledge, she only ever got the chance once, when she was a puppy and managed to wriggle throuigh the railing around our pool deck to go after one. The squirrels seemed to work out that she couldn’t get through the plate glass window in the dining room, and would congregate in the back yard, running up near the window and teasing her as she cried at her inability to go after one.
  • The exercise regimen I’ve adopted to help control my diabetes involves a lot of walking, mostly on the network of pedestrian trails through Columbia, MD, where I spend most of my day. There’s a jogger whose path I cross a lot. He looks just like the lovechild of William H. Macy and Jon Voight.
  • The office park where I work consists of three buildings in a sort of triskelion configuration. A few months ago, a crew came through and gave one of the other buildings a good power-washing scrub. The sandstone exterior was left so bright and shiny that when it caught the light, it was almost blinding to look at. I can’t help thinking that this is possibly the closest I’ll ever get to knowing what it was like to look at the great pyramid of Giza when it was new.
  • Once upon a time, I was walking Sarah in the back yard, and we came across a tiny little frog. Sarah and I followed the frog for a bit as it hopped along its way, Sarah with her nose to the ground, studying it. Suddenly, just as it landed after a hop, Sarah reached down and scooped it up in her mouth. A few seconds later, just as I was peparing to chastise her for eating the frog, she opened her mouth, and the tiny little frog hopped out and continued on its way as if nothing had happened.
  • Another man I see a lot looks just like the love child of Wilford Brimley and Martin Mull
  • Walking along the trails, you see a lot of strange things. I keep seeing bicycles, half-submerged in the stream that runs alongside the trail. I can understand how they got there, but why were they abandoned there?
  • I’m going to a Cinco-de-Mayo party this weekend. My girl wanted to have a pinata at the party. Since I don’t like candy enough to eat it in spite of my doctor’s admonishions, I suggested a route that would allow me to take part in the pinata-y goodness: a meat pinata. She told this to her friend via instant messaging, and was asked “Do you mean a pinata made of meat, or a pinata full of meat?” When she indicated the latter, the response was “YES!!!!!!!”
  • A few days after cleaning the building I mentioned earlier, the crew went back over it for a second go. The building ceased to shine, and actually looked ratty and dirty. The windows looked particularly streaked and spotted. I found myself wondering the the University of Phoenix had failed to pay its bill, and the crew was sent back to re-dirty the building.
  • I also see a lot of abandoned shopping carts along the trail. These mostly belong to the Safeway about a half mile down. But some of them are for other stores which are nowhere near here
  • There is a small man-made pond across the street from the office. During certain parts of the year, geese congregate there. About the same time, there are two geese who wander around on the far side of the parking lot of the office park, across the street, with the building between them and the pond. Are they lost, or have they just slipped off for a romantic stroll?
  • At one bend in the stream, a shopping cart has gone off the edge and into the water. It’s been down there a long time, I think, because silt has built up around it. The process of sedementation has done its work, and there is, right now, an island forming around this cart.
  • I saw a blue heron last week. But I don’t want to say where. When I was a kid, if you saw a blue heron somewhere, you could be assured that within a week, you wouldn’t be allowed to go back there, as the area would be cordoned off to protect the heron. It’s quite a pleasant spot, and I don’t want it being destroyed by a big chain link fence to keep the heron safe.

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